Call for Papers
Research papers in the areas of conference themes are invited for oral presentation. Abstract should be limited to 500 words and sent to the Convener through email (icgicssd2022smit@gmail.com). The acceptance of the paper will be intimated in due course. The selected abstracts will be published in the proceedings.
Format of Abstract
Title of abstract (14 font, bold, centered), Presenting author (underlined), other authors, Department, Institute, Address. The one-page abstract should be in MS Word, Times New Roman, 12 font, single space on A4 size paper.
Mode of Presentation
Oral Presentation
Important Dates
Last date for Submission of Abstract : 6th November 2022
Notification for Acceptance of Abstract : 8th November 2022
Last date of Registration : 6th November 2022
Participants will be given 6/10 minutes for the presentation.
A committee of experts will evaluate all the papers. Selected papers will be published in the Proceedings / UGC approved journal.
A Certificate of Presentation will be issued to the participants who present the paper.
A Certificate of Participation will be issued to the participant who attends the Conference.
Best 03 papers of the conference will be awarded.